Course - Stable Isotope Methods in Nutrition Research


2019-08-26 at 00:00


2019-08-30 at 00:00

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Wageningen, The Netherlands

In vivo assessment of nutrient absorption, status and metabolism can benefit a lot from the use of stable isotope methods. These methods can help to better understand biological processes, provide quantitative data on fluxes of metabolites through different compartments in the body, and help to determine nutrient status which link to health and diseases. This course will provide a solid scientific background on application of stable isotopes in nutrition research. Topics will include body composition, energy expenditure, breast milk intake, vitamin/mineral bioavailability and protein digestibility.

The course welcomes PhD students, post-docs and academic staff as well as scientists from research centres and industry working in the area of human and animal nutrition, food sciences and/or biomedical sciences. Basic scientific knowledge on concepts, methods and study designs in quantitative research is assumed, as well as general understanding of nutrition and nutritional physiology.

The course will provide advanced understanding of the principles and concepts of different stable isotope techniques in nutrition research, and participants will advance their skills in the application of these techniques. There will be time to consult faculty with questions arising from own research and experience.

For more information visit the VLAG Graduate School website.

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