Daily wrap-up: EFFoST2019 Day 1

November 13, 2019

The EFFoST2019 scientific programme was kicked off by Prof Louise Fresco, CEO of Wageningen University & Research. In the next 2,5 days, 520 conference delegates will be able to enjoy 130 oral presentations and 400 poster presentations, alongside the exhibition and the EU collaboration corner.

The 33rd EFFoST International conference commenced in the City of Rotterdam. A warm welcome was extended by Prof Vincenzo Fogliano this year’s conference chair from Wageningen University & Research, Prof Olga Martin Belloso, the President of EFFoST and Ellen Perik from the City of Rotterdam. Subsequently, the scientific programme was kicked off by Prof Louise Fresco, CEO of Wageningen University & Research.  She connected food science and technology


with the Sustainable Development Goals emphasizing the need to work together towards safe, nutritious and sustainable food for all.  

The remainder of the day was filled with four parallel sessions assigned to the three sub-themes: Oral processing, digestion and human performance; Consumer trust, perception and engagement; and Circular food systems and beyond.


During the Food for Performance in Sports session, Prof Alan Mackie spoke about the importance of food structure in controlling digestion kinetics resulting in changes in appetite or bioactive functionality. He also noted that physiologically relevant data on likely outcomes in humans can be achieved through a range of simulations of digestion. In the same session, Alime Cengiz from Wageningen  University & Research discussed iron encapsulation as a way to prevent lipid oxidation in food production due to iron fortification.


On the exhibition floor, delegates had the opportunity to visit EU-funded projects at the EU collaboration corner. Nanopack received a lot of attention as many asked about the safety of food products and the environment when using packaging with nanotubes. On the other side of the hall, Wageningen University & Research and TNO demonstrated their high-tech 3D printer that produces highly tailor-made chocolates and biscuits. Currently, three of these machines are used industry, namely by Cadburys in Australia, Barilla in Italy and Katja in the Netherlands.


Welcome reception and Pub Quiz
Drinks and snacks awaited the conference delegates as they left their last session of the day. Once everyone had a drink, many decided to join the Pub quiz. Kees de Gooijer was looking sharp in a red suit, delivering the quiz questions with his usual dry humour.  Participants knowledge of food science was tested, though no science degree could ever prepare you for this challenge. Looking out into the audience, the strain of concentration could be seen on many contestants' faces.


For those who were not able to attend, do not despair as we have lined up a few of the questions for you:
- Who gave his or her name to the Caesar Salad? 
- What would be the term to describe semi-sweet champagne?
- Which Sauce Is Named After A River and State in Mexico?
- What is 'Lachanophobia'?
- What is the ancient name of the god of wine?
Make sure to join the quiz next year!



The winners of the EFFoST2019 Pub Quiz with their bag of Dutch goodies.


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