IFT-EFFoST 2018 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short course


2018-09-25 at 00:00


2018-09-28 at 00:00

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Sorrento-Salerno, Italy

Socio-economic and environmental impact of novel food products and processes based on nonthermal technologies

IFT and EFFoST have appointed ProdAl and Unisa as organizers of the 2018 edition of the International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short course.

The International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course will lead you through a journey that alternates scientific moments with recreational-cultural experiences.

Starting with a welcome cocktail on a terrace that will let you enter one of the most beautiful postcard views of the Sorrento Peninsula: the Gulf of Naples and Mount Vesuvius.

The Workshop features several keynote lectures and also provides room for short presentations, poster sessions and moments of plenary discussion, to stimulate exchanges of ideas and debates on the various topics covered, namely:

  • Nonthermal processes for better foods
  • Effect of nonthermal treatment on food structure and function
  • Use of nonthermal technologies for a more sustainable food industry.

This is further strengthened in the last session, dedicated to the industrial implementation of nonthermal technologies. All the actors of the supply chain, including vendor and user companies, researchers, consumer associations, GDO buyers and regulatory bodies, will provide their experiences in transformative terms. Subsequently, they will be involved in a debate aimed at highlighting the complexity and opportunities to be explored.

The scientific program continues with the Short course in ProdAl/Unisa laboratories. During this phase, different nonthermal technologies will be presented and discussed with the help of worldwide leaders of the field and will be enriched by the practical experience of the use of some of the units available in the ProdAI laboratories.

For more information visit IFT - EFFoST 2018 International Nonthermal Processing workshop


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