Cancelled - 9th International Whey Conference: A Better Whey of Life





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Dublin, Ireland

This event has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 9th International Whey Conference (IWC2020) is a unique forum which will bring everyone involved in whey processing together from around the world for an interactive dialogue on the most relevant aspects of whey production, processing and applications.

The conference will provide a platform to exchange knowledge and experiences between the whey business community and scientists worldwide. The programme is designed with networking and interaction as a high priority.

The thematic areas for the 9th International Whey Conference (IWC2020) are nutrition, ingredients, markets, technology, sustainability & environment, applications, regulations & policy and communications. The conference has a carefully constructed balance of technical and commercial contributions and will inform scientists of the needs of whey processors and end users, present the latest scientific findings and processing technologies and provide an opportunity for our shared addressing of the challenges facing the whey processing industry.

For more information visit the International Whey Conference website.
