Workshop - Incorporating Data on Occurrence and Consumer Loyalty into Dietary Exposure Models





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Dublin, Ireland

ILSI Europe Dietary Intake and Exposure Task Force would like to invite you to the Workshop ‘The Potential for Incorporating Data on Occurrence and Consumer Loyalty into Dietary Exposure Models’, which will take place on 14 October 2019, in Wicklow Hall 1 of the Dublin Convention Centre, Ireland.

The workshop aims at establishing ways to put together experts in dietary exposure modelling, food additive and other food chemicals occurrence data, as well as consumer behaviour, statistics and data analysis. Together they will contribute to suggesting more realistic exposure models to chemicals such as food additives, flavours, enzymes and food contact materials.

The workshop, which is part of the FENS Pre-Congress Scientific Programme, is opened to the registration of all interested parties. It is of particular interest for food safety, formulation, dietary intake modelling and consumer behaviour experts from industry, regulatory and research organisations. 

For more information visit the ILSI website.



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