This event has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Food contamination may arise from environmental or agricultural practices or even during production. Contaminants pose a major threat to consumer health and therefore the food chains must be protected to ensure that the food placed in the market is safe to consume. It shall not contain contaminants beyond permitted levels and the preventive and control measures must be in place to avoid food safety hazards.
Opening with a morning of strategic plenary sessions addressing the big themes driving food contamination routes, prevention, contaminant analysis, risk analysis and law enforcement, the programme then breaks into 2 parallel technical tracks each different issues faced by the food Industry.
Alongside the content-rich programme there is plenty of time for networking; during the round table discussions, the networking evening reception, in the solution zone, and during the live demo lab sessions.
For more information visit the Food Contamination and Traceability Summit website.