Food Extrusion Technology course





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Sion, Switzerland

Unbiased training based on the science and engineering of extrusion is offered in this 3-day course. It covers the principles of extrusion, the design of extrusion processes for human foods, as well as how the formulation interacts with the extrusion process. Principles learned will be demonstrated using the extruder in the Hes-So Valais  pilot plant.

The program provides a good background in general extrusion technology, but is specifically directed at extrusion of human foods. The course is relevant to both single and twin screw extrusion technology, and all types of extruded foods - breakfast cereals, snacks, texturised proteins, pasta, etc.

The course will cover topics from the basics of extruders and their configuration, through what is happening chemically and physically inside the extruder barrel, to an understanding of extruder dies and extruder instability.

Topics covered include:

  • Principles of extruder configurations (single and twin screw)

  • Role of rheology in extrusion

  • Die types and effects, die design

  • Extrusion chemistry – Recipe design

  • Product density control

  • Preconditioning for Extrusion

  • Causes and effects of extruder instability

  • Screw, barrel, and die-plate wear

  • Extrusion troubleshooting

Examples in product formulation and the design of extrusion processes will be included to demonstrate application of the theory. Principles learned will be applied during the practical demonstration on Day 2. Important aspects of peripheral systems (eg raw materials pre-processing, preconditioning) are also covered.

For more information visit the FIE website.

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