Reaction kinetics in food science





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Wageningen, The Netherlands

The 11th edition - The use of kinetics is necessary for many aspects of food research. Enzymatic, chemical, physical and microbial reactions in foods occur simultaneously during processing and storage, and usually it is a cascade of reactions. The food scientist needs to optimize the quality of food, and this can only be done in a quantitative way with the proper use of kinetics.

In the lectures, the importance of kinetic modelling will be put in perspective, including the interplay between statistics and science, followed by detailed treatment of kinetic modelling of chemical reactions, of enzymatic reactions, of microbial growth and inactivation and of some physical processes, also in combination with (bio)chemical reactions. Also, the application of kinetics in reactor engineering will be treated, and most importantly, special attention will be given to complicating conditions as present in foods.

For more information visit the VLAG Graduate School website.

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