To broaden and spread the theoretical and practical knowledge about innovative methods for rapid detection, enumeration, isolation and identification of foodborne and waterborne microorganisms and their metabolites.
Keywords: Rapid microbiology · Automation · Miniaturization · Food safety · Pathogens · Food analysis
Designed for: Directors and technicians of industries, consultancies and laboratories of food and feed, and other sectors (microbiological, biotechnological, clinical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical, environmental, etc.); inspectors and other administration staff; university professors and technical staff, graduate and postgraduate students; people from other research centres; etc.
Lecturers and lectures:
- Dr. Purnendu C. Vasavada (University of Wisconsin-River Falls) and Dr. José Juan Rodríguez Jerez (UAB): 40 years of developments in rapid methods and automation in microbiology
- Dr. Armand Sánchez Bonastre (UAB): Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and massive genome sequencing applied to food safety
- Ms. Nathalie Gnanou Besse (ANSES): The problem of detection and enumeration of low numbers of pathogens in food: the examples of Listeria monocytogenes and Cronobacter spp.
- Mr. Juan F. Romo Valerga (Grupo Ubago): Smoked salmon and Listeria monocytogenes, "close enemies"
- Safety assurance and spoilage minimisation. Ready-to-eat meals and catering:
- Ms. Cristina Díez Fernández (Grupo Empresarial Palacios Alimentación)
- Mr. Xavier González Morales (Casa Mas Alimentación)
- Ms. Àngels Garcia Pascual (La Sirena Alimentación Congelada)
- Mr. Àngel Rojas Soler (Productos Alimenticios Frescos-Grupo Gallo)
- Ms. Anna Higuera García (SERHS Food Area)
- Dr. Daniel Ramón Vidal (ADM Biopolis): Engineering our microbiome: a new way to improve our health
- Dr. Montserrat Llagostera Casas (UAB): Bacteriophages: a new type of products to improve food safety
3-day laboratory sessions:
- sample preparation and plating
- rapid viable cell count methods
- environmental control
- chromogenic culture media
- miniaturization
- diagnostic kits
- methods based on ATP – bioluminescence, colorimetry, others
- immunological detection methods (ELISA/ELFA, latex agglutination, lateral immunomigration, immunoprecipitation)
- molecular detection methods (other than PCR)
- IFS v7: deviation or point of attention? (SGS ICS Ibérica)
- Food safety culture as the fundamentals on FSMS (Intertek Ibérica Spain)
And also:
- 2 open discussions (Safety assurance and spoilage minimisation / Instrumentation, world trade trends, other current topics)
For more information visit the MRAMA website.