14th edition of the International Congress on Engineering and Food





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Nantes, France

The 14th edition of the International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF14) will be held in Nantes, France from 20-23 June 2023. ICEF14 is endorsed by the International Association for Engineering and Food (IAEF) with support from the SFGP (Société Française de Génie des Procédés), CNRS (National Scientific Council for Research) and INRAE (National Research Institute on Agriculture, Food and Environment). ICEF event is back in France after the ICEF9 held in Montpellier in 2004.

During the Lockdown in 2020, the truck traffic was cut to 40% of the normal situation; 30% was dedicated to food and 10% to other industries. This demonstrates the importance of the food supply chains and industry. This pandemia also showed that food logistics and including food preservation and storage are of utmost importance in the supply chain. There are also new challenges with consumers expecting more local foods and the food industry is facing increasing energy costs and as a result increasing logistic costs.

The resilience of the food supply chain is vital for the population all over the world. ICEF14 appears as an opportunity to face all these stakes and to bring together the best world’s experts in food engineering, food processing and food science. Based on this challenge, ICEF14 has created an exciting program covering a wide array of topics around the Congress theme “Sustainable Food Manufacturing for a Resilient Food Chain”. Several distinguished international speakers, both from academia and industry have been invited to debate the critical role of engineers in securing human nutrition and health and supporting environmental sustainability.

For more information please visit the ICEF14 website.


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