PhD. Course - Modelling of habitual dietary intake


2017-11-13 at 00:00


2017-11-16 at 00:00

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Wageningen, The Netherlands

In the evaluation of dietary intake of populations, one is often interested in the habitual (usual) intake, i.e. the long-term average intake. For example to estimate the proportion of a population that meets nutritional recommendations. In food consumption surveys, dietary intake is generally collected with short-term measurements, 24-hr recalls or food records. The dietary intake of an individual can vary considerably from day to day. Consequently, intake measured over a limited number of days will be a poor indicator of the individual habitual intake. Statistical modelling makes it possible to estimate the habitual intake distribution of a population from repeated short-term measurements. In this course the focus will be on statistical modelling of habitual intake using SPADE (Statistical Program to Assess Dietary Exposure).

The target audience of this course are PhD candidates, postdocs, or other researchers who work on statistical analyses of food consumption data and have a basic understanding of applied statistics.

For more information visit the VLAG Graduate School website.

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