First Innovations in Food Analytics Conference





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Munich, Germany

The first conference on Innovations in Food Analytics- An International Conference & Expo is being held in Erding, Munich Germany from 10-12th May 2017. Organized by Acad-Indus International Conventions in cooperation with Global Harmonization Initiative and Stadthalle Erding. For the first of its kind, this conference will attract delegates across the world to present their research and ideas and network with scientists from industry and academia. Of the several areas to be covered are recent developments and updates on the food analytics with focus on food authenticity and traceability, food quality measurement, food component analysis, food contaminant analysis, sensory analytics, material migration analysis, food allergens, foodomics, food analyses, bioavailability testing, nutional analysis, food fraud analysis, microbial analytics, food rheology, product analysis, and new innovations in food analysis. The xonference will co-host an exhibition from the equipment manufacturers to showcase equipment’s during the conference in an exhibition area. An exciting opportunity to learn about the new innovations in Food Analytics through dialogue with key leaders across the areas of existing and new technologies.

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