NuGO week 2018 - Mitochondria, nutrition and health





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Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

NuGO is an Association of Universities and Research Institutes focusing on the joint development of the research areas of molecular nutrition, personalised nutrition, nutrigenomics and nutritional systems biology. Every year they have a conference, this year's theme is Mitochondria, Nutrition and Health, sessions include:

  • Session 1:  Mitochondrial function in health and disease
  • Session 2: Assessing Mitochondrial function
  • Session 3:  Joint Programming Initiative ‘a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ (JPI HDHL): The Food Biomarkers  Alliance (FoodBAll)
  • Session 4:  Approaches to complexity
  • Session 6:  Bioinformatics tools
  • Session 7:  Epigenetic effects of micronutruients and their impact on cellular and mitochondrial metabolism

For more information visit the NugoWeek 2018 website.

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