Call for Proposals EFFoST / IFT-NPD Workshop on Non-thermal processing of Foods 2019

April 03, 2018

The Nonthermal Processing Division of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT-NPD) and the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) have been organizing Annual Workshops on Nonthermal Processing Technologies to Process Foods over the past two decades.

Earlier workshops alternated between USA and European sites and lately, because of the growing worldwide interest in nonthermal processing technologies, several countries outside the US and Europe have been organizing and hosting these workshops.

Any group interested in organizing and hosting an EFFoST / IFT-NPD Workshop is required to submit a written proposal to the IFT-NPD / EFFoST Joint Workshop Committee in accordance with the instructions given in these Guidelines.


Guidelines to Prepare EFFoST / IFT-NPD Workshop Proposals
Those interested in hosting a workshop in a given year should have informal consultations with IFT-NPD and/or EFFoST well in advance prior to the proposed workshop. All groups interested in organizing and hosting workshops should submit a proposal to IFT-NPD and/or EFFoST Executive Committees for consideration following the schedule included in this document.

The deadline to submit a formal proposal is 31 May 2018.

For information on this year's event visit the 2018 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course website.

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