EFFoST Conference - Innovation in food: from technology to e-food and delivery

September 06, 2018 {0} reacties

On Thursday 8 November, this special session will identify how the food industry and the food market is innovating.

A recent survey on food innovation in France, called 'From technology to e-food & delivery', will be presented during this session. It concludes that the biggest challenge for innovations are technology and processing. Sometimes it can take over ten years for innovations to be adopted by the industry, whereas e-services are blooming. Three pitches of industry innovations will be given as illustrations and Jean Luc Perrot will highlight what type of collaborations work well. Additionally, Matthieu Vincent from the French start-up DigitalFoodLab will present their strategy to foster collaborations between Startups and larger industrial companies to develop innovations for the food industry and consumers. The session will conclude with a roundtable discussion providing the opportunity for conference deleagtes to share their questions and opinions.

This session will be chaired by Maurizio Notarfonso and Jean Luc Perrot. Mr. Notarfonso is from SPES GEIE, a European Economic Interest Group based in in Italy, known as “Spread European Safety GEIE”. It was founded by ANIA, FEDERALIMENTARE and FIAB and consists of 13 food and drink industries federations. Mr Perrot is from VALORIAL, the cluster of excellence in Food Innovation in France. VALORIAL aims to foster collaboration on R&D and innovative projects between economic actors, research centres and higher education institutions. VALORIAL represents a network of 309 members, of which 66% consists of SMEs and large companies. 

For more information on the conference programme visit the 32nd EFFoST International Conference website.

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