Every year food professionals from around the world attend the EFFoST International Conference for its excellent scientific programme. However, it is also a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends, discuss hot topics with experts, finally meet people you have been corresponding with in person, and make new contacts by just saying hello to a fellow delegate. These personal connections are important as they lay the foundation for collaborations and exchanging ideas in the future. That’s why EFFoST has organized a number of social events:
France is the only place in the world that can be perfectly summarised with two words, wine and cheese. Our conference host, Alain Le Bail, thought this would be the perfect way to give a warm welcome to the conference delegates who have travelled from far to come to Nantes. The Wine and cheese welcome reception will be held on the Mezzanine of the conference center right after the last session of the first day.
Tuesday 6 November 18:00-20:00
At the same time, the annual EFFoST Pub Quiz will be held just off the Mezzanine. Hugo de Vries with his infectious humour will be presenting this Pub Quiz. This is not a challenge for the faint hearted, this quiz is made by food scientists for food scientists. There is no possible way you can prepare for this and it goes without saying that the world wide web cannot be a member of your team. Come and join in with the fun!
Tuesday 6 November 18:30-19:30
The Conference dinner will take place on Le Nantilus, a floating restaurant on the river Loire in the heart of Nantes. At the restaurant, you can enjoy the beautiful views of the city and the Maille Breze, a decommissioned navy destroyer. The old shipyards of Nantes are home to a number of interesting buildings and monuments. It is definitely worthwhile coming a little earlier, so you can visit the elephant made of wood and steel at the Machines of the Isle of Nantes.
Wednesday 7 November 19:00 – 22:00