The Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies (IFSET) and INRA embarked on a scientific adventure, by creating an IFSET special issue dedicated to the developments in France. Now Dietrich Knorr, editor of the IFSET, would like to invite other European universities and research institutes to take a similar initiative for their country.
Hugo de Vries, the research director at INRA, kicked this series off by creating a special issue for France. Now Dietrich and Hugo, both EFFoST Board members, would like to encourage other European countries to follow this example and present the creativity and scientific thoughts of their country to our dynamic EFFoST food community. This will facilitate new cross-border collaborations, thanks to a better overview of the activities currently being undertaken at the national research level. Such cooperation is needed in order to address the challenges that we are currently facing, including food & health issues, personal nutrition and preferences, safety and sustainability concerns.
If you would like to contribute to this comprehensive overview of the food science and the rich food cultures in the European Union by creating a Special Issue of IFSET for your European country, please contact Dietrich Knorr.