Daily wrap-up: EFFoST2018 pre-conference day

November 05, 2018 {0} reacties

Even though the official start of the EFFoST International Conference is tomorrow, there has been a whirlwind of activity today. As FREEZEWAVE project came to an end, the Young EFFoST had their very first meeting.

Young EFFoST - Eighty of the brightest young scientists gathered together for the first Young EFFoST meeting in Nantes. Kicking off with an ice breaker, human bingo, at lunch and then on to the more serious programme. This included presentations on research and innovation funding opportunities and scientific dissemination and communication. Janna Cropotova from ISEKI and Yves Verhertbruggen from the Marie Curie Network also presented opportunities from their networks. Finishing off the day in style, these promising scientists will be dining at the Nantes Arts Museum.


Freezewave – Our conference chair, Prof. Alain LeBail, hosted the final meeting of the European project Freezewave today. This project focussed improving the quality of frozen food by refining the ice crystal size using low energy microwave combined with a slow freezing rate. For more information visit the FREEZEWAVE website.



We look forward to welcoming you all tomorrow at the
32nd EFFoST International Conference in Nantes!


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