Promising entrepreneurs dedicated to co-create the future of agrifood business connected to the KATANA project through its business accelerator competition. More than 600 startups and SMEs applied for one of the 10 keenly sought-after spots in the Katana bootcamp. The competition winners also received a cash prize and access to business services to grow their business and bring their products and services to the market.
Knowlegde of future trends and emerging technologies in the agrifood sector and potential responses to the upcoming challenges is essential for any agribusiness to be successful. This was also the premise of the KATANA reports and infographics that focus on the three most important stakeholder groups in the Agrifood chain, namely the consumer, the food industry, and the agricultural sector. Additional infographics were created for the trending topics: Health, Impact of production and Novel experiences. These infographics are presented below:
KATANA Health trends in the Agri and Food Industry:
KATANA Impact of production trends in the Agri and Food Industry:
KATANA Novel experiences trends in the Agri and Food Industry:
The KATANA project ended in December 2018. For more information visit the Katana website.