The Young EFFoST day 2019 will revolve around the theme ‘Performing by Connecting’ and focuses on the interaction between young food professionals working in science, industry and/or start-ups. By connecting the worlds of academia and commerce we aim to both inspire and facilitate interaction between them. The Young EFFoST day will provide ample opportunity to expand your professional network in food science. More information about the programme and the registration will be announced soon!
For whom: Young food professionals working in academia, industry and/or start-ups
When: 11 November 2019, from 13:30 - 22.00 hours (the day before the EFFoST 2019 conference)
Where: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The Young EFFoST day 2019 will be organized by three PhD candidates from various food science departments at Wageningen University. Introducing the Young EFFoST day 2019 committee:
- Arianne van Eck is researching the impact of food properties of food components on oral processing behaviour, bolus properties and sensory perception of composite foods at the Food Quality and Design group.
- Steven Cornet works at Wageningen Food and Biobased Research and the Food Process Engineering group on the water binding and water release properties of meat analogues to ultimately understand and improve their juiciness.
- Alexander Dank works at the Food Microbiology group and researches the effect of slow growth on microbial metabolism and physiology, with the aim of exploiting these near-zero growth conditions for various biotechnological applications like aroma production and product fortifications.
In the next few months, they will be developing an interesting programme and securing sponsorship. Please contact them if you have any leads for sponsors or speakers.