NanoPack Survey – Perceptions of new food packaging based on nanotechnology


For NanoPack, it is important to explore how different stakeholder groups perceive novel applications in food packaging. For that reason, a survey has been created to gain insights. Please share your opinion by completing a 4-minute survey.

NanoPack is an EU funded project developing food packaging material based on nanotechnology to preserve freshness and extend food shelf-life. The main objective of this new technology is the incorporation of essential oils into nanotubes, which are then embedded into a plastic packaging film. The gradual release of essential oils into the food environment inhibits the growth of bacteria and mould and consequently retains quality and safety for longer.

The NanoPack project aims to reduce food waste, ensure safety for consumers in a natural way and open opportunities to new markets for professionals. It is important to explore how this new technology is perceived by different stakeholder groups and for that reason NanoPack partners created a survey.

The survey will take approximately 4 minutes to complete and all information provided will be treated confidentially. To start the survey click here.
