Calls for application - 2019 Foods Travel Awards

June 26, 2019 {0} reacties

With these awards, MDPI would like to support the travel of a junior investigator and a PhD candidate to present their data, in poster or oral presentations, at a scientific conference to be held between September 2019 and August 2020.

The winning applications will be awarded 800 CHF (Swiss Francs) to be put towards the costs of attending a scientific conference and will have the opportunity to publish a paper in Foods (after peer review and appropriate revision) with a full publication fee waiver.

The following food research topics can apply for the travel award:
Food sciences and technology; food chemistry and physical properties; food engineering and production; food security and safety; food toxicology; sensory and food quality; food analysis; functional foods, food and health; food psychology; food and environment; etc.

Please send your application to the Foods Editorial Office at by 30 June 2019. The winners will be announced on the Foods website before August 2019.

Of course, EFFoST would be very pleased to welcome the winners of the 2019 Foods Travel Awards at the EFFoST2019 conference held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 12-14 November 2019.

For more information on the 2019 Foods Travel Awards visit the MDPI website.


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