Daily wrap-up: EFFoST2019 pre-conference day

November 11, 2019 {0} reacties

The EFFoST International Conference 2019 starts today, however, yesterday young food scientists were able to join the Young EFFoST Day and the Suit4FOOD workshop, and all were welcome to participate in the ASKFOOD session.


Young EFFost day
Prof. Niek Koning kicked off the day with a very compelling talk that not food science and technology, but supportive agricultural policies safeguard food security. These policies include public investment in rural infrastructure in poor countries, making non-food economy less carbon dependent, and mitigating claims on cropland for animal foods, urbanisation, and consumption landscapes


This presentation was followed by a networking exercise and lessons learnt from food scientists turned start-up entrepreneurs.

Then it was on to the networking event at the Rotterdam City Hall, one of the few buildings that survived the bombing of 14 May 1940.  Here the Young EFFoST day delegates were joined by EFFoST2019 conference delegates who arrived early.  They were received with Dutch cheese delicacies and welcomed by Alderman Arno Bonte who proudly spoke of the soon to be completed Rotterdam climate deal.


For the third part of the day, the young scientists congregated at the Arminius church for dinner and the 3MT competition. No long sermons, but short and passionate science-based pitches were delivered from the pulpit . Topics included the extraction of oil from sardine by-products, improved beer foam, consumer trust in organics food certifications, the ability of salt to protect bacteria and the potential of sea buckhorn. The six young contenders were battling it out for the honour and the external glory of winning the 3MT. In the end, it was Raise Rudge, with her enthusiastic delivery of her research on red wine astringency, who took the prize home.


Not only Young EFFoST started the day before the 33rd EFFoST International conference, SUIT4FOOD was also eager to reach the younger demographic.  Presenting the results from five early-stage researchers who benefited from trainings provided by this Erasmus+ strategic partnership.

The ASKFOOD project also held a workshop that discussed the ability of Industry and Academia to shape the best actions for tomorrow’s competitiveness together, this included the possibility of digital food.



We look forward to welcoming you all tomorrow at the
33rd EFFoST International Conference in Rotterdam!

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