Digital Food Processing Initiative (DFPI) world leaders in 3D printing technologies

December 11, 2019 {0} reacties

3D Food Printing is an innovative processing technology that offers great potential for the food industry as it offers great possibilities for the creation of products with unique shapes, designer textures, and fully personalized compositions.

Digital Food Processing Initiative (DFPI) and its founders have been working on this topic for nearly 10 years and have become world-leading in this area. Using a range of 3D printing technologies they have shown the possibility of creating a variety of food products with interesting features.

Over the past year, this has led to the commercialization of various 3D printed food products by several of our partners, including printed pasta by Barilla spinoff BluRhapsody and printed gum candy by Katjes spinoff Magic Candy Factory.

The video shows a simple example of one of our in-house developed printers printing a cookie to commemorate the 2019 EFFoST conference in Rotterdam which we attended this year.

DFPI, the Digital Food Processing Initiative, is a collaboration of Dutch contract research organization TNO, Eindhoven University of Technology, and Wageningen University & Research. 

For more information, please go to the Equipment for additive manufacturing webpage or contact Kjeld van Bommel.


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