Call for applications - EFCE Food Engineering Award

February 03, 2020 {0} reacties

At the 14th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology, the three best presentations will be awarded the EFCE Food Engineering Award to recognize their outstanding contributions in the area of food product and process engineering.

Nominations of excellent PhD candidates in Food Engineering and Technology are sought. Highly qualified young European scientists are eligible who will finish their PhD in Food Engineering and Technology soon or have recently received a PhD. Documents of the candidates should be submitted via the abstract submission system until 2 March 2020. 

Winners of the EFCE Food Engineering Award will receive:

  • 1st place €3.000

  • 2nd place €2.000

  • 3rd place €1.000

The Scientific Committee will identify the best submissions. The decision on the final selection of the candidates will be completed by 1 April 2020. Selected candidates are expected to give a 20-minute presentation at the workshop. Supervisors are kindly asked to be present as well.

All participants will be supported with €600 for travelling expenses and accommodation.

For more information, please visit the European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology website.

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