Call for Abstracts - 1st Food Contamination and Traceability Summit

March 05, 2020 {0} reacties

The first edition of the ‘Food Contamination & Traceability Summit’ will take place on 26-27 May 2019 in Munich, Germany. The scientific programme is lead by Prof. Huub Lelieveld from Global Harmonization Initiative, who was President of EFFoST from 1998 – 2001.

Food contamination may arise from environmental or agricultural practices or even during production. Contaminants pose a major threat to consumer health and therefore the food chain must be protected to ensure that the food on the market is safe to consume. It is important that it does not contain contaminants beyond permitted levels and the preventive and control measures are in place to avoid food safety hazards.

Key food & healthcare stakeholders will attend this event to enhance food safety based on prevention of contamination by understanding the contamination sources, routes, food fraud, traceability and analysis, and regulatory guidelines. The key participants include decision-makers from directors to managers, QA professionals, chemists and R&D team members.

All abstracts (invited/oral/poster) must be submitted using the online abstract submission system by 31 March 2020.

For more information visit the Food Contamination & Traceability Summit website or download the brochure.

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