EFFoST2020 - Extension of the abstract submission deadline

May 07, 2020 {0} reacties

If you haven’t been able to submit your abstract for the 34th EFFoST International Conference just yet, you will be pleased to be informed that the abstract submission deadline has been extended with four weeks, till 31 May 2020.

In these uncertain times, you may be wondering whether the EFFoST conference will go ahead in November. In many countries, the lockdown restrictions are showing positive effects with fewer COVID-19 infections and more people recovering from the virus. This is allowing health systems to increase their care to regular patients. Despite these promising developments, we are well aware restrictions for large gatherings will continue and travelling abroad will be limited for the foreseeable future.

EFFoST is, however, committed to providing a platform for food scientists to share their work that will advance food science and technology in order to produce healthy and sustainable food for all. This is especially important given that food chains have suffered significant disruptions as a result of the pandemic.

Therefore, we are investigating alternatives for this year's in-person conference in Israel. One option is to have an online event. This would allow you to contribute and participate in the EFFoST conference from the comfort and safety of your home office, or perhaps even your balcony or garden. We will keep you informed of the developments. But for now, please know that all submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a highly dedicated Scientific Committee. When your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to contribute to the EFFoST conference.

The 34th EFFoST International Conference will explore the theme: Bridging high-tech, food-tech and health: Consumer-oriented innovations. This is further examined in the below-mentioned sub-themes that highlight the expertise of our conference host, Technion.

  • Engineering consumer-oriented foods
  • Shaping the food chain sustainability
  • Enhancing the endurance, diversity and resilience of the food chain

Oral and paper abstracts are now invited by using the online abstract submission system.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 May 2020

Visit the EFFoST 2020 Conference website for more information.

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