Call for contribution – Survey for EFFoST online conference

May 27, 2020 {0} reacties

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are considering hosting the EFFoST2020 conference online. We would like to hear your opinion to make sure the EFFoST online conference meets the needs and expectations of the food science community. Please complete this 2-minute survey!

Take the EFFoST online conference survey

The 34th EFFoST International Conference ‘Bridging high-tech, food-tech and health: Consumer-oriented innovations’  is set to be held 10-12 November 2020. Even though our conference host, Technion, was looking forward to welcoming us all to Tel Aviv, we are concerned that the virus outbreak will limit large gatherings and international travel for the foreseeable future. Therefore EFFoST is looking into the possibility of hosting an online conference to allow food scientists and technologists from around Europe and the world to connect and share their work from the comfort and safety of their homes.

Please complete the 2-minute survey, as your input will enable us to make an exceptional online conference.

Thanking you in advance!

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