The webinar series targets local, regional and national policymakers, food chain actors, academia, stakeholder/citizen engagement organisations, NGOs, CSOs, and interested public. The goal of this webinar series is to use the FOOD 2030 policy framework and FIT4FOOD2030 project as case studies to use research and innovation (R&I) policy for food system transformation.
The series is composed of the following four webinars:
All webinars are recorded and made available 2 days after the live event.
On 9 June, the third webinar will focus on 'Transforming our food systems: Research & Innovation as an enabler of the Farm to Fork Strategy'. The DG Health and Food Safety will present the recently published Farm to Fork Strategy. The webinar will also explore how Research and Innovation, as advocated by the FIT4FOOD2030 project can act as an enabler for policy development.
The presentations from the speakers will be followed by a live Q&A with a panel from the Directorate-General Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) as well as the Directorate-General Agriculture (DG AGRI). Luis Vivas-Alegre and Henk Westhoek will represent DG SANTE and Natalia Brzezina will be there on behalf of DG AGRI.
FIT4FOOD2030 is an EU-funded Coordination and Support Action with the objective to support the European Commission in the development and implementation of the FOOD 2030 policy framework and its action plan, by establishing a sustainable multi-stakeholder, multi-level platform, mobilizing a wide variety of stakeholders at the level of cities, regions, countries, and Europe.
More information about these webinars and links to the registration pages can be found on the FIT4FOOD2030 website.