Launch of the FitNESS platform - an open and free food packaging course

January 28, 2021 {0} reacties

FitNESS stands for Food PackagIng open courseware for higher education and staff of companies. The open-access modules developed by this an Erasmus+ project are available online now.

FitNESS platform is the result of the FitNESS project aimed at developing a collaborative e-learning platform for
the community interested in all aspects of food packaging from functions, materials, systems and processes, regulations to advanced applications and designs. The comprehensive and highly interactive content of this online course consists of modules, webinars, quizzes,  and case studies. It has been developed to disseminate information to both technical and non-technical audiences.

This project has received funding from the European Union's ERASMUS programme (contract 2017-1-FR01-KA202-037441). 

For more information go to the FitNESS platform.

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