EIT Food seeks entrepreneurs, startups and scaleups to support

March 17, 2021 {0} reacties

EIT Food supports agrifood entrepreneurs across Europe, ​driving innovation to address big food challenges, ​to create a healthier, more trusted and sustainable food system.​ Three EIT flagship programmes are accepting applications to help you to launch, accelerate and scale up your business now.

Whether you’re seeking to validate your business idea with potential customers, a startup looking to partner with corporates or a scaleup wanting to expand internationally, EIT Food Business Creation programmes are designed to grow and scale your business.

EIT Food works with entrepreneurs at all stages of their journey, from validating their market to scaling up their business to achieve international impact. Entrepreneurs connected to EIT benefit from funding, mentoring, business skills training and access to a thriving European network of innovators and experts. 

EIT Food Flagship Programmes

Seedbed Incubator - For Entrepreneurs Looking To Validate The Market Opportunity
For three participant groups: entrepreneurial academics, aspiring entrepreneurs and newly formed startups looking to exploit commercial opportunities underpinned by science and technology.

EIT Food Accelerator Network - For Registered Startups With Ready-To-Pilot Solutions
For startups looking to raise their seed or series A round funding, and that are ready to pilot their product, service or technology.

RisingFoodStars - For Ambitious Early Scaleups, On The Verge Of International Growth
For early scaleups that are past the ideation phase, have paying customers and are poised for significant growth and global scale.

All three flagship programmes are open for application till 10 April. Make sure to apply if you are interested in joining EIT's vibrant, connected and like-minded community. 

For more information, visit the EIT Food website


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