SUSFOOD2 Stakeholder Workshop


Our food system is facing various challenges. To meet these challenges SUSFOOD2 has strengthened efforts to support research in the field of sustainable food production and consumption. This stakeholders workshop will showcase the findings and results of the 12 SUSFOOD2 cofunded projects.

This two day program intends to reveal the findings of the projects' three year studies, which had the mission to work towards more sustainable, resilient and secure food systems, from production to consumption, by reinforcing the cooperation in research, development and innovation between EU Member and associated States. The partners involved in the 12 cofunded projects represent a wide range of nationalities throughout Europe. Researchers, SMEs, policymakers, funding authorities and other relevant parties have been involved in the SUSFOOD2 cofunded project activities whenever possible in order to leverage the impact of the project’s results. The 12 cofunded projects proudly present many steps forward to address the following socio-economic and environmental goals:

  • To develop sustainable food systems from production to consumption, to increase food production sustainably while reducing waste in food supply chain and limiting environmental impacts;
  • To improve the quality of life by improving food quality in a sustainable way and to ensure the resilience of the food supply chain;
  • To encourage sustainable consumer behaviours and food choices;
  • To improve competitiveness and economic growth in the European food industry with special attention to SMEs.

The Stakeholder workshop is organised to inform a wider interested audience on the progress made by the projects and to explore the next steps to enable interaction between the research teams and stakeholders. It is going to take place on 27 October 2021.

The workshop objectives are as follows:

  1. To share research findings among stakeholders;
  2. To obtain feedback from stakeholders to inform future scenarios/future research needs;
  3. To identify potential collaborations among actors to carry forward the innovations;
  4. To network with potential target groups or future partners, e.g. SMEs;
  5. To exhibit innovations to thepublic.

A more detailed program will be sent to the registered participants prior to the event. More information about the event location and how to join can be found here.

There are still many unknowns due to the Covid situation therefore this meeting will be a hybrid one, taking place in Istanbul, Turkey and online.

Participation is free of cost.  Sign up for the workshop.
