Session Chairs: Helen Saar & Anet Režek Jambrak
In order to implement the 17 UN sustainable development goals, the food industry must act now, by lowering its environmental impact. Our sector needs to go beyond greenwashing and purely marketing-based approaches, to show consumers and other stakeholders that we are committed to change.
Development of sustainable food products: Novel solutions to meet changing consumer demand
When: 24 September 2021 at 13:00 CET
Where: Online
Cost: free of charge
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Talk 1 - To brie or not to brie: Why you should give a sh*t about cheese.
Anja Leissner - Founder and Head of R&D at Stockeld Dreamery, Sweden
Milk and cheese are loved by billions across the globe but have a much bigger climate impact than most people are aware of. Traditional fermentation coupled with new technologies can help bring new cheese varieties made from plants — better for the environment and animals alike. Anja Leissner is Co-Founder and Head of R&D at Stockholm-based FoodTech startup Stockeld Dreamery, which aims to create the world’s most ambitious cheese — without cow’s dairy. She’ll talk about why fixing cheese can help fix our climate.
Talk 2 - Could 3D Food Printing be an opportunity to improve the sustainability of food?
Martijn Noort - Project Manager/Scientist at Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, The Netherlands
3D printing is an innovative manufacturing technology based on digital control. 3D printing of food is still a niche, but it offers unique added values in terms of product properties, consumer empowerment, flexibility as well as potential supply chain advantages. What could it offer in terms of sustainable food production and consumption? This presentation will provide an overview of opportunities currently being explored, including its potential to produce next-generation meat replacers based on plant proteins.
Talk 3 - An overview of carotenoid research in agro-food in the healthy and sustainable diets era
Antonio J. Melendez Martinez, Full Professor, Nutrition & Food Science, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Carotenoids are natural versatile compounds with important applications in agro-food and health as colourants, antioxidants and bioactive compounds that can provide health and cosmetic benefits. Being essential in photosynthesis and as precursors of phytohormones and diverse signals, they have an important role in food security that is attracting increased interest. In this talk, the importance of these compounds is summarized as well as sustainable approaches for the production of carotenoid-rich products will be addressed.
Talk 4 - Valorisation of Salicornia ramosissima by-product as a potential industrial ingredient – Application of a green extraction technology
Diana Pinto - a PhD student from REQUIMTE/LAQV, University of Porto, Portugal
Diana has a background in Pharmaceutical Sciences and her main research interest is on the valorisation of food by-products for food, nutraceutical and cosmetic purposes. She will talk about the valorisation of Salicornia ramosissima by-product by the implementation of a green extraction technique and the reuse of the bioactive extract as a potential ingredient for industrial purposes.
Talk 5 - Sustainable innovation in beer brewing: the urgency of a necessary utopia!
Nicolas Declercq - Founder Leopold 7 Brewery, Belgium
Daring to step out of your comfort zone in a production process full of traditions. Thinking out of the box with the eyes of a 21st-century entrepreneur. Making sustainability more profitable and exciting than the status quo by transforming waste into a new raw material with added value. We never have to forget that today is tomorrow and this tomorrow, we must build it with respect for the future and can do it with great tasting premium beer. Nicolas Declercq will give an overview of interesting initiatives done at his own brewery Leopold 7.
After the presentations, the speakers were available for a panel discussion involving the audience.
This seminar is part of a seminar series 'Sustainable Food Systems: Connecting Expertise in Academia and Industry' organized by the Working Group on Sustainable Food Systems and Young EFFoST. It aims to provide detailed insights into various facets of sustainability in the food sector. The seminars include expert talks, practical indications from industry professionals, as well as short presentations from selected early-stage researchers. Access the programme of the full seminar series and the slides from previous seminars here.