A number of initiatives have been set up to support scientists and students from Ukraine to ensure that when peace comes they have the knowledge and skills to rebuild their country. Hopefully, the EFFoST community can draw inspiration from these initiatives and actively contribute where possible.
Science for Ukraine is a website that provides support to Ukrainians at all levels of their scholarly career, including students, PhD candidates, early career researchers and senior scholars, to help them sustain their presence in the European Research Area and international scholarly community. Universities and research institutions are encouraged to provide opportunities for scholars fleeing Ukraine. This can be, for example, paid positions or other forms of support, such as accommodation, scholarship, office space access to library and/ or lab facilities.
Visit the Science for Ukraine website to see how your University or Research institution can support Ukrainian scientists. Below you can find a small selection of offers which will no doubt increase, with your help, in the coming weeks:
- Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies; providing 2 research positions in Food Science, and accommodation and legal help to 50 MSc students.
- Universidad de León, Spain: offering part/full-time employment for a few months (up to one year) to students or scholars with an interest in food microbiology and/or food safety
- ETH Zurich, Switzerland: offering support for researchers, including technician, masters, PhD and postdoctoral level for at least 3 months, possibly part-time, in Zurich, Switzerland
- University of Göttingen, Germany: Paid internship, accommodation, office & lab space for 2 students or researchers (3 months, likely even longer). Funding program for 6-12 months stay for students and researchers.
- University of Tuscia, Italy: Paid scholarship for B/MS and PhD students from a Ukrainian university/institute for 3-6 months. Accommodation and legal help provided immediately.
- Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), Spain: to support a researcher, postdoc or PhD student from Ukraine working in the agri-food field
There are also other initiatives to support the Ukrainian scientific community, including Labs supporting Ukrainian Scientists which is an expansive list of labs and PIs offering to host Ukrainian scientists at all career levels. Currently, there are more than 1800 offers, some of which include the possibility of funding. In addition, ResearchGate is supporting humanitarian organizations that are responding to the crisis by offering free advertising space worth $2.5 million on their network.
Photo by Eugene Mykulyak