Young Researcher's Boot Camp 2022 - How to write a proposal

April 05, 2022 {0} reacties

The ERA-NET Cofund ICT-AGRI-FOOD launches together with the initiative Agrarsysteme der Zukunft and Space2Agriculture a boot camp for “young” researchers on how to write a good proposal for EU projects. Send in your application by 27 April.

The Boot Camp on How to Write a Good Proposal for EU Projects will be held on 19-20 May 2022. On the background of the pre-announcement for the following call: 2022 Joint Call for transnational, collaborative, inter-/ transdisciplinary research projects on ICT-enabled agri-food systems.

The aim of the boot camp is to bring together PhD students and young researchers dealing with agriculture and food systems, and provide a space for discussion and exchange. The boot camp will provide training in fundamental principles of proposal writing using as a practical example the joint call of the ERA-NET ICT-AGRI-FOOD.

The boot camp sets out to bring together participants from across the entire food system (from conventional and organic supply chains) in a multi-actor approach. The boot camp participants will have the chance to get to know the process from idea to application, develop their own project ideas together with other researchers, present their ideas and interact with each other and stakeholders. Besides the training on proposal writing skills, the participants will learn and understand the perspective of funders and how to work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment.

More information on who can participate, the format of the event, and how to apply, can be found on the 2022 Young Researchers' Boot Camp webpage.

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