The EFFoST / IFT-NPD Workshop on Nonthermal Processing of Foods will be hosted by University College Dublin. The NTP workshop will be held in the city of Dublin, Ireland from 4-6 November.
The Nonthermal Processing Workshop consists of a two-day workshop including lectures and poster presentations. This is preceded by a one-day short course that provides fundamental foundation knowledge of non-thermal technologies. During the workshop and short course, the four main subthemes will focus on the role of Innovative Nonthermal Processes in:
- Sustainability of Food Supply for the Future
- Future Foods from Alternative Sources for an increasing Global Population
- Future Local and Global Food Safety and Security
- Meeting Future Consumer Demands for Quality, Nutritious and Healthy Foods
The corresponding topics can be found here
Each year, the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) and the Nonthermal Processing Division of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT-NPD) organise a workshop on non-thermal processing technologies to process foods. The EFFoST / IFT-NPD Workshop on Nonthermal Processing of Foods is the leading international forum for professionals from academia, industry, and government agencies to share the latest developments on nonthermal processing technologies and their applications in the food industry.
For more information please visit the EFFoST / IFT-NPD Workshop on Nonthermal Processing of Foods website.