4th School on Pulsed Electric Field Applications in Food and Biotechnology


The 4th School on Pulsed Electric Field Applications (PEF School) will be organized by the BOKU Institute of Food Technology and the BOKU Institute for Synthetic Bio-architectures in Vienna from 9-12 May 2017. EFFoST is one of the supporting partners of the 4th PEF School.

The objective of the PEF School is to offer to students, academic and industrial researchers the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the fundamentals of pulsed electric fields (PEF) and electroporation and to get an insight into the variety of food and bioprocessing applications. Lectures by leading international PEF experts, practical hands-on trainings and a social programme will guarantee an interesting and memorable week.

The PEF School will cover topics ranging from the modification of cell membrane structures to applications such as plant tissue disintegration and gentle preservation of food and bioproducts. In addition, cross-sectional topics such as process validation, legislative framework and consumer perception will complete the programme. The content of the courses is designed for both academic and industrial researchers.

The event will provide attendees with a timely update on recent progress in research and process development, it will promote the interaction between different research Groups and facilitate the cooperation between academia and industry.

More information: http://pefschool2017.boku.ac.at
