Improvements in the quality, safety and authenticity of olive oils will boost consumer confidence and ultimately enhance the competitiveness of the EU olive oil market.
Designing the OLEUM Network
One of the strategic objectives of OLEUM is to develop and support a worldwide community of proficient analytical laboratories involved in the analysis of olive oil, therefore establishing a wide OLEUM Network. The OLEUM Network aims to provide a place where the members will benefit from having the opportunity to:
• Meet other stakeholders in the field of olive oil analysis and authentication
• Obtain training in the developed and validated OLEUM project methods
• Participate in workshops/conferences related to olive oil
• Exchange knowledge with organisations with years of experience in the olive oil sector
Join the network?
The consortium is currently in the process of setting up the OLEUM Network. If you are interested in joining please contact
OLEUM questionnaire
Moreover, the OLEUM project has developed a questionnaire where we can use your input. We are aiming to identify information about current weaknesses in the olive oil regulations and analytical methods and to gather information about emerging frauds. If you are interested and involved in the olive oil sector, please find the questionnaire here. The questionnaire is also available in Spanish, Greek, Italian and French. For more information about the questionnaire, please contact Dr. Paolo Lucci at