Dr. Manfred Aben, Unilever, The Netherlands
Talk Title: A force for good: Purpose-led food system transformation through ecosystem innovation
Dr. Francisco A. Tomás Barberán, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Talk Title: Food Phytochemicals. A journey from food quality and safety to bioactivity and human health
Myrthe de Beukelaar, Innova Market Insights, The Netherlands
Talk Title: Food Phytochemicals. A journey from food quality and safety to bioactivity and human health
Kjeld van Bommel, TNO, The Netherlands
Talk Title: Advancements in 3D food printing equipment
Prof. Paul Brereton, Queen’s University, Belfast, United Kingdom
Talk Title: Recent developments for assuring the authenticity of our food
Jan Broeze, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, The Netherlands
Prof. Vincent Buskens, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Talk Title: Spreading information and developing trust in social networks to accelerate diffusion of innovations
Dr Edoardo Capuano, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Talk Title: Food matrix paradigm explained: the case of nutrients bioavailability from plant tissues
Prof. Louise Fresco, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Talk Title: The role of food science and technology in future challenges
Prof. Mike Gibney, University College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen, Hacettepe University, Turkey
Talk Title: Computer Vision: A Useful Tool to Monitor Food Quality and Safety Online
Dr. Masja Nierop Groot, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Talk Title: Impact of mild processing on food spoilage fungi
Dr. Bruce R. Hamaker, Purdue University, United States of America
Talk Title: Concept of tailoring fiber-based prebiotics for personalized gut health
Prof. Anne-Marie Hermansson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Talk Title: Global challenges and the critical needs of food science and technology (FS&T)
Dr. Kate Howell, University of Melbourne, Australia
Talk Title: How macromolecules are released from the food matrix; the case of vegetable processing, digestibility and functionality
Prof. Anja Janssen, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands.
Talk Title: Towards Mechanistic Understanding of Gastric Digestion of Structured Proteins
Signe Kjelstrup, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Talk Title: Three tools for sustainable food production
Prof. Peter Lillford, University of Birmingham, UK
Talk Title: Global Challenges and the Critical Needs of Food Science and Technology
Daniela Segovia Lizano, Quadram Institute, UK
Talk Title: Quisper: bridging the gap between consumers and scientifically validated personalised nutrition advice
Prof. Alan Mackie, University of Leeds, UK
Talk Title: Understanding digestion kinetics for improved functionality
Dr. ir. Monica Mars, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Talk Title: Food: the blind spot of nutritionists?
Prof. Erik Mathijs, KU Leuven, Belgium
Talk Title: Moving towards circularity in food systems: barriers and enabling conditions
Prof. Alexander Mathys, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Talk Title: Circular food systems based on emerging up- and downstream concepts to target more sustainable food value chains
Prof. William Chen Wei Ning, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore
Talk Title: Technology Innovations for Food Security
Stefano Renzetti, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Talk Title: Quantitative approaches in food structure and nutrition design: towards personalization and digitalization
Maarten Schutyser, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Dr. Robert Sevenich, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Talk Title: The influence of high-pressure processing at ambient and elevated temperatures on the quality and safety of selected foods
Prof. Eyal Shimoni, Strauss Group, Israel
Dr. Chibuike Udenigwe, University of Ottawa, Canada
Talk Title: A multifaceted perspective on bioactive peptides in health-promoting food design
Hans van Trijp, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Talk Title: Consumers and clean labels
Dick Veerman, Foodlog, The Netherlands
Prof. Paola Vitaglione, University of Naples Frederico II, Italy
Talk Title: Endocannabinoid system and aging: is there a room for healthy food design?
Prof. Marcel H. Zwietering, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Talk Title: “Zero Risk does not Exist”